Chapter 4: Page 115
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115 - Madness!
Posted on 2008-02-11 00:00:13

Fuck, Charlie, ugh.

And yes, I am totally going to make merch. The thought of having an I heart looting bag is an amusing concept to me hehe. BUT I am in school right now so I can't really DO anything besides buttons for now because I am in a huge crunch for time, so be patient :(

Oh and I perspective failed, hardcore ugh. Going to fix that later.

Original script for 02-11-2008:
This script may not match the finished comic! It will, however, contain the original spelling errors and other mistakes.
Sammie: Wait, now I am confused. Noticing things?
Charlie: While we were in the wastes...I
Sam: You what? What happened?
Charlie: I.... cannot tell you here.
Sam: Is this something you should be talking to mercer about?
Charlie: No--I cannot tell mercer. Look, we'll discuss this elsewhere but for now--
[Maureen storms past them]
Sam: Mau?